We have finally changed the cribs to toddler beds! After finding Connor playing superman across the two beds, we realized it was time to change them. Brian worked this morning on them both cribs...I mean beds. That will take some time to get used to. They napped in them, and did a great job staying in them, not once getting out. They woke up, called out, "Mommy, we're awake!" We told them they have to have permission to get out of bed. With their room being right by the top of the stairs, we don't want to take any chances.
They are so excited about being in big kid beds! After nap today, Connor got out of bed then told me he wanted to go back to bed. (This only happens when he's sick) He just wanted to get back into his "big boy bed"! He crawls in and pulls the covers up over his head. SO cute!
I'm finding this a hard step to move past. NEVER have they not been in a crib! Just when I get used to a certain stage, they move into another one! I'm thrilled, but I also know I'm never going to get these times back. The life of a mother...