Brian and the kids (fur kids and
human kids) enjoying some rest!
Mommy and Connor
Macy jumping, she never stops jumping!
This is how we knew it was time
to come in, Connor's eyelashes were
covered in snow!
We were supposed to leave tomorrow for Phoenix and get out of this freezing cold weather. However, our flight is cancelled...already. We now leave Sunday morning. So, since there isn't a lot we can do about the weather, we decided to enjoy it! We played outside and had a blast! Macy didn't like it at first, but then grew to like it. She liked throwing snow and juming in it, Connor liked running in the snow and cleaning off his swing. (even outside he can't stop cleaning!) We enjoyed some great family time today, Brian cancelled work today (yeah!) and only worked on the computer for awhile this morning. It was some great family time the rest of the day. Man, I love snow (ice) days!