I know I say this about every stage, but this stage in the kids' life is my favorite. They are so funny! They are talking a lot more, Macy especially. I have a couple funny stories to share with you...
We were at a friends house the other day and as we walked outside to get into the car Connor thought it was time to play outside. My friends little one (the same age as the kids) escaped and he and Connor were running around like banshies together. Funny in its own right, but to add to that Macy walked over to Connor and said, "no, no" (with finger pointed of course)and tapped him on the bottom as if to spank him. We were rolling at this point! Connor of course had no idea she had even touched him but it was one of those moments I wish I had on video.
We were all sitting in the living room just playing. Macy was sitting next to me and I heard her toot. We laughed at it and then she decided to investigate it more. She stood up, leaned over so her hands were on the floor in front of her and inspected underneath her. She was looking for what came out! Cracked us up!
There are hundreds of these little stories. Spend a day with us, you'll have the best laugh you've had in years!
Too funny! We need to get together sometime. I'm sure it would be a hilarious sort of day.