We have our cousins here to visit us! All 6 grandkids are here while Auntie Jackie (AJ) spends time with her newborn, baby Sam. We got home yesterday afternoon and went to Incredible Pizza for dinner. Such fun!! It made for a late night, giving 3 two year olds baths, and a 6 year old, 9 year old, and 12 year old showered. Aubri, the oldest, went with me to do the shopping and we got to bed late!
Each day we have a color that represents the day. Today was red. We ate red things, used red things, etc. There is a picture of us eating at our red table. There is also a picture of us as we started our trip yesterday. All PILED in the suburban.
We swam this morning and played in the backyard. There are a couple of pictures of the little ones, now known as "the kids" as well as a picture of the older ones, now known as "the girls". They got tired of the heat and went in to do crafts. :)
Having a wonderful time, loving all the time with the cousins!
I would love to shower with the 6' 9 and 12 year old, better if I get to take the 12 year old to bed first