Monday, June 15, 2009

Play day

Connor had a bit of a rough day, his teeth are still bothering him. I took them to the office today to nap for the first time there. It went ok, but not great. We are hoping the kids can take naps down at the office about 3 times a week so I can help out at the office more.

After nap we came home and and we (I) blew up the pool for the first time and the kids had a ball! After the way Macy acted in Virginia at the pool I was a little worried she wouldn't have fun. Boy was I wrong! The kids had SO much fun! We had dinner outside on our new picnic table from GiGi. The kids were hilarious! It was a good afternoon and evening.


  1. Looks like they / you had a really great time. Thanks for sharing. What precious kids they are! I also enjoyed the vacation pictures.

  2. bent over ready forcock good girl

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