Sunday, September 27, 2009

Thomas the Train!

We went to Thomas the Train on Saturday!   The kids LOVED it!  Connor couldn't stop telling everyone we were going to see Thomas.  It was a great day.  My sister and two of her kids went with us.  We got to play with trains, get conductor hats, get tattoos, and get animal balloons.  We had wonderful weather for it, and it was a great day!

The kids love talking about Thomas and would gladly tell you that trains don't say choo choo, they say push.  When the train was taking off, the conductor told us to tell Thomas to push!  Macy thought it was Thomas talking to her!  

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


We pray before we eat and I was finally able to get a picture of it.  They each have their own distinct style!  You should hear them pray, it is priceless.  Dear Jesus, thank you for this food. AMEN!

Dress up

Boy do our kids love dress up!  Actually, Connor loves it way more than Macy!    Here are a few pictures of them.  Brian will kill me for posting these!

Poop in the potty!

Before getting in the bathtub the other night, Brian asked Macy if she wanted to sit on the potty and try and she said yes.  She sat there and then got up to show Brian her poopy!  She pooped in the potty!  We haven't even started potty training, we're just talking about it.  She is ready!  However, we are waiting till after we get back from driving to Colorado in October.  Connor then wanted to sit on the potty, he sat and pointed "it" down and then got up.  He got a little jealous of the yippee's and hooray's Macy got I think.  He doesn't seem as ready as Macy, so I'm starting to think that I'll just start with her and see if he gets more interested.  

I know this was not "normal" or any indication of how things will go, but it was refreshing to know that she is really ready to start potty training.  It makes me more excited about it!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Consignment sale

Anyone in the area on Saturday, Sept. 12th is welcome to come to our twins club consignment sale.  It opens at 8am and goes til 2pm.  It's at the Nazarene church on Blvd and 33rd in Edmond.  Clothes, bath stuff, car seats, furniture, shoes, coats, costumes, maternity, etc.  

Everyones welcome! 

A couple new things...

Well, Connor has finally started saying his name used to be Nonnor, now he can say Connor!  Yeah!  I think he's done calling Macy Mimi though...that makes me sad.  That was his little name for her.  Now he loves saying Macy, he draws out the syllables and tilts his head, it is so cute.  

Macy loves to "boing"ing  her curls.  Gigi taught her that this past weekend, and she laughs so hard when she does it she can hardly breathe...hilarious.

After I put them to bed they are staying up later and later to talk to each other, up to an hour after bedtime I can still hear them laughing and chatting.  Most nights I hear them repeating their prayers over and over again.  We pray for our family and friends each night and they can repeat those prayers endlessly.  I love it.

They are really good at their colors now, and love to show off.  They can each do 1,2,3 now, (Macy can go to 5) only because we count to three before we swing them.  We use any motivation we can!  Eventually we will be counting to 20 before we swing them!

Macy is using 4-5 word sentences, Connor is 3-4 words.  I love it, but it makes them sound so much older!!!  

I am finding that time is speeding up.  I have learned to cherish each step they take, however the steps keep coming faster and faster.  I don't have time to get used to one before they are starting something new again.  I know this is the way it goes, I know, I know.  I just don't want to blink for fear they will be in Kindergarten when I open my eyes.