Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas 2009

                                                                   We decided we would start our own tradition of staying home Christmas morning and then going to the extended family for the weekend.  Not the best year to start this!  We are snowed in!!!  We had a blizzard Christmas Eve and now can't even get out or driveway.  Thankfully we have food and each other!  

We had a nice meal last night for Christmas Eve, didn't have church due to cancelling it for weather.  So we spent the time at home baking Santa's cookies and playing the Wii.  Connor hit two homeruns in baseball!  They had a rough time going to sleep, but once asleep they were out.  Santa worked his magic with no worries they would wake up.  Brian and I watched a movie and relaxed after the festivities.

The kids LOVED what Santa brought.  On the way down the stairs this morning Connor said, "Woooo!"  They got jeeps, a single trampoline with safety pole, and a sucker.  The sucker was actually the only thing they wanted.  Santa was just generous this year...

We have been outside and played a bit in the snow.  With Connor's bronchitis we couldn't stay out long, but we couldn't pass up the opportunity.  They may not see snow again until they are 20!  At least this much of it!  We were only outside long enough to get pictures, and make a tiny snowman...that mommy made in record time to check it off the list.  

We are having a great time, but wish we could be with the whole family.  This is the second holiday in a row we have missed...not a good trend to be setting.  Hopefully we will be able to get out tomorrow.  All the interstates in Oklahoma were shut down last night, they are back open today but our neighborhood is awful.  An ambulance got stuck on our hill earlier this morning.  Not a good day to need emergency vehicles.  We decided to take it easy today and try to travel tomorrow when the snowplows have had a little more time to work their magic.  

We wish you all a Merry Christmas!

1 comment:

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